Dorset Innovation Hub Summit, Innovation Poster Winner!

On June 18, 2024, the Dorset Museum in Dorchester was the bustling venue for the Dorset Innovation Hub Summit (schedule), a landmark gathering for the health sector led by Our Dorset and Dorset Integrated Care System (ICS) Innovation Hub. With over 250 delegates in attendance, the summit explored and celebrated the role of innovation in improving health outcomes across Dorset.

We are thrilled to announce that we are the winners of the Dorset Innovation Hub Summit Health and Care Innovation Poster competition!! We won with almost 25% of all votes and have been awarded with a gift voucher and chocolates for our efforts. The challenge was to adhere to a set of poster guidelines, whilst showcasing innovation in health and care. We are really proud of this achievement and would like to thank all who voted for us!  View the poster here.

Sandra Courtiour, Acting Innovation Programme Manager for Dorset Integrated Care System (ICS) Innovation Hub visited the HealthBus team at one of the weekly drop-ins on 20 June 2024, “We are delighted to announce that the HealthBus won the innovation poster competition with a significant number of delegates voting for it at the summit. It’s wonderful to learn about what the charity does and how they are making a difference in the community.”

For more information on the event attendees were directed to the website: Dorset Innovation Hub Summit.
