HealthBus Trust receives The King’s Award for Voluntary Service

We are delighted and very honoured to receive The Kings’s Award for Voluntary Service. This is the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE. Our wonderful team of volunteers are amazing and we thank everyone who has championed our work! 




Our 2022-27 Strategic Plan maps the aims and values of the Trust, how it meets the expectations of our community and the elements which support and enable its achievements. Click the button for more details.


Luke’s South West Coast Path Adventure!

Luke Saxy’s hiking England’s 630-mile South West Coast Path solo, on a tight budget, hoping it’ll help his mental health after 25 years of treatment-resistant depression. Cold water swimming helped, but now he’s trying hiking. It’ll be tough over 40-45 days, but he’s determined, camping wild with occasional campsites if funds allow.

Donate Here

Race Across Scotland Ultra 

Phillipa Rolle, an extraordinary individual, annually undertakes extreme challenges to support vital charities, having conquered multiple endurance races across the UK and Europe. Her upcoming test awaits in Scotland on 10 August 2024, where she’ll tackle the gruelling 215-mile Race Across Scotland Ultra, dedicating her efforts to raising funds for the HealthBus Trust.

Donate Here


If you’re in need of help NOW simply follow our suggested actions or contact any of our partners. 


The HealthBus needs your support!

Help people experiencing homelessness to access healthcare by making a regular commitment to the HealthBus.

The HealthBus Trust

 The HealthBus Trust is here to bring hope, dignity and enable positive change for people experiencing homelessness.

 The Trust partners with clinical and non-clinical teams to create a wrap-around service that helps people improve their physical and mental health, free themselves from addiction and move on from homelessness. 

Bill, aged 37, was sleeping rough during the winter months but has now been placed in temporary emergency accommodation due to the Covid Pandemic, said:

“This service saved my life when I was living on the streets. I was a mess and had given up. The HealthBus Team were so kind to me and have helped restore my hope in people. I have a long journey ahead out of addiction but am getting the help and support I need”.

See more about ‘What we do’ and ‘Why we do’ visit our Patient Case Studies page here


Ways you can support us

Business Sponsorship 

Whether you’re a business, a funding provider or a not-for-profit, we’d love you to partner with us as we help people who are experiencing homelessness to access essential healthcare. We aim to create long-term partnerships that deliver clear benefits to our partners as well as raising significant funds for our work.

A partnership with HealthBus can help your organisation build brand strength, engage your customers, employees and suppliers, and demonstrate your commitment to taking positive action for the community and inclusive healthcare.

The HealthBus is privileged to have the support and sponsorship of local businesses. Envista Branding is a vital sponsor and is committed to seeing people who are marginalised get the support they need. As a family-run business, (established in 2006) they have a heritage in Logo Branded PPE & Workwear which very quickly evolved into Promotional Products, Clothing & Merchandise. Envista has clear values regarding ethical sourcing, always being cautious that they only select manufacturers who can demonstrate that they work according to their Corporate & Social Responsibility standards.

“We love what HealthBus are doing and are honoured to be part of the story to support people locally access the healthcare that so many of us take for granted. As part of our social responsibility, we are committed to seeing people restored and moving away from the streets.” Mark Baxter, Envista Branding Owner.

Read more about Business Sponsorship here. 

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Diabetes Specialist Nurse succonded to HealthBus

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Luke’s Epic Coastal Trek: A Journey of Miles and Minds

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Fundraising Convention 2024

July 3rd, 2024|

Fundraising Convention 2024 On 03 July 2024, the Fundraising Convention in London gathered over 1500 nonprofit professionals at the QEII Centre in Westminster. Among the attendees was Deano from HealthBus, representing the charity to make new connections to improve fundraising. The convention's theme, "Innovation and Impact," featured keynote speeches, workshops, [...]

The HealthBus is a vital member of Homelessness Partnership BCP, a local partnership in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole to help prevent people from losing their homes, and escape homelessness in all its forms, whether hidden sofa surfing or visible rough sleeping. More than 40 local organisations have signed the charter saying they share the partnership commitment to end homelessness across the area, by ensuring everyone has a safe place to live that they can call home. The Partnership has a Homelessness Reduction Board (HRB) that brings leaders together from Council, NHS, Police, Probation, social housing, voluntary and faith groups to ensure activity is joined up and making a real difference.


If you are worried about someone you’ve seen sleeping rough/homeless in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, you can alert BCP Street Outreach Service by emailing b& by calling 01202 315962, or through the national “Streetlink” app.



GP SERVICES: please phone your own surgery or 111.



Please donate now and make the difference to rough sleepers across Bournemouth and the surrounding areas.

Corporate and Business Supporters

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