AUB: BA Interior Architecture & Design: Socially Conscious Design Unit

On 07 March 2023, Arts University Bournemouth BA Interior Architecture & Design Level 4 students presented their ideas to transform a designated high street store in Poole into an accessible medical clinic for those who are vulnerable in the community. This Socially Conscious Design Unit for Interior students was designed deliberately to make them consider and evaluate the concepts and challenges faced when designing a space for those that are vulnerable. Over a six-weeks, students were tasked with designing a bespoke space in ‘AutoCAD’, building a scale model and animating the experience of moving through the space. The academic brief was built around the HealthBus service, as students considered what a bespoke hub (a transformed abandoned shop in Poole high street) would look like if it was used as a medical clinic.

Over 40 students presented their ideas and concepts on how the HealthBus could use a fixed medical clinic in Poole to facilitate care and allow for greater access to healthcare for those who are vulnerable. It was fascinating to discover how each student interpreted the brief in various ways, as they grappled with the social struggles of how best to support people who find it difficult to access mainstream care.

“What this project has done is opened the eyes of many about the barriers faced by those who are experiencing homelessness or on the cusp of. These students were required to not only create a suitable, welcoming and contemporary space but also one that would function and work for particular people in our community. Can this space assist someone who is a single mother with young children, an adult with a pet or even an individual with a history of violence? These are just a few of the things that had to be considered and delighted to see that the students overcame these challenges with creativity and innovation.”  Deano Pickering, HealthBus Head of Fundraising & Marketing.

Thrilled to see how the students interpreted the brief whilst exploring social challenges to access essential services. Huge thanks to Monica, Ed, Jamie and the BA Interior Architecture & Design team!