The HealthBus has been selected for the Aviva Community Fund 2022! On 09 August 2022, the Trust launched its Crowdfund project to ask people to support the charity as we all build stronger communities together.

The HealthBus plays a vital role in ensuring people can have better health and not suffer from isolation and loneliness. The HealthBus team seeks to empower patients further by equipping them with skills to enable financial independence to increase physical and mental wellbeing.

This pilot seeks to educate people to be more financially independent and invite them into a community activity that encourages social integration. The aim is to support individuals to take control of their lives through focused educational workshops. Individuals who experience social exclusion would be targeted to build self-esteem and a sense of belonging. The workshops include managing money, how to budget, diet and nutrition, basic IT skills and cookery. The funding would facilitate essential support and life skills for those who are in temporary accommodation (still classed as homeless), and who are hoping to transition into permanent accommodation.

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