HealthBus Collaborates with Bournemouth University Students to Inspire Change

In an innovative project aimed at tackling health inequalities and raising awareness for local charity work, the HealthBus has joined forces with Bournemouth University’s Level 5 Media Production students for an exciting 10-week creative project.

Tasked with the challenge of engaging their peers in meaningful ways to care more about local charity initiatives and to amplify the profile of the HealthBus Trust, two groups of students are embarking on a journey of exploration and creativity. This collaboration provides a unique opportunity for students to apply their skills in media production while making a tangible impact on their community.

At the heart of this project lies a commitment to understanding and addressing unconscious bias. The students will delve deep into the complexities of health inequalities faced by individuals experiencing homelessness. By confronting their own preconceptions and biases, they aim to uncover the significant barriers that hinder access to healthcare and support for this vulnerable demographic.

Over the course of the next few weeks, these budding media professionals will immerse themselves in research, production, and content creation. Their task is to develop innovative ways to engage their peers and the wider community, fostering empathy and igniting a passion for social change.

The journey doesn’t come without its challenges. The students will grapple with complex societal issues, confronting uncomfortable truths along the way. However, it is precisely through this process of exploration and self-reflection that they will gain invaluable insights and emerge as more empathetic storytellers.

The project is set to culminate in mid-May 2024 when the students will present their findings and creative outputs to their course tutors and external partners. It is an opportunity not only to showcase their talents but also to spark meaningful conversations and inspire action.

Stay tuned for updates as we journey towards positive change with the HealthBus and Bournemouth University’s Media Production students.