Christmas Hamper Appeal 2024: A Community United in Giving

This year, HealthBus has joined forces with 78 local agencies and organisations to support the Christmas Hamper Appeal 2024. Together, we made significant impact on families in crisis across Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole.

Thanks to the generous contributions of Zest, Howdens, Patch, and Aldridge Brownlee Solicitors, the appeal will provide 200 hampers, feeding an incredible 730 people in need. Each hamper is designed to support a family of five for five days, offering essential sustenance and a little holiday joy during challenging times.

On December 23, 2024, 200 hampers were delivered to families in need, selected from 232 nominations submitted by 27 different agencies. In total, the initiative provided food and support to 730 people facing hardship.

The hamper team collected an incredible 10,600 items of food and seasonal treats, thanks to the efforts of 316 dedicated volunteers who received donations, prepared hampers, and delivered them. Nineteen teams worked in shifts to ensure everything was ready, while a fleet of 64 vehicles brought Christmas cheer directly to those in need.

The appeal raised £11,187.12 through contributions from partners and the public. Two large grants and additional gifts covered stock purchases and operational costs, while £4,120 from 90 sponsors will continue to support efforts to help families celebrate together.

“I want to say a huge thank you to everyone involved. This event always reminds me of what can be done when we all work together towards the same goal. 200 hampers is just a start. Let’s keep these partnerships going and together, we’ll see families restored for good!” — Ed Briggs, Hamper Team Director