Huge thanks to David Simpson, Director Venta Services who has kindly donated 3000 vapes to the HealthBus Trust to help patients take essential steps towards better and improved healthcare. Those experiencing homelessness are x3 more likely to die from chronic respiratory disease primarily caused by smoking and 80% are at an increased risk of lung cancer. The average age of death for a homeless person is 44years.

The Venta Services vision is based on supporting individuals within health and social care environments with a safe alternative to smoking cessation. Our team include a range of Experts by Experience who themselves have lived experience of accessing services and have experience of smoking cessation within the environments in which Venta Services operate. We firmly believe that people with lived experience are best placed to both shape and drive forward the Venta Services vision. – David Simpson, Director

The HealthBus is running spontaneous smoking cessation support groups and offering smoking cessation advice to those on the streets. New findings suggest smoking increases social isolation and loneliness

Considering stopping smoking? check out this guide to help you quit:
For more information and videos please visit: