HealthBus visits specialist homeless surgery: Arch Healthcare in Brighton

On 25 January 2024, the HealthBus team visited Arch Healthcare Showcase in Brighton to learn how their specialist homeless surgery is meeting the needs of rising numbers of people experiencing homelessness in the city. In 2016 Arch took over the running of the Morley Street GP surgery and the homeless health engagement service for Brighton & Hove.  In February 2022 they celebrated their fifth anniversary.

Dr Chris Sargeant (Director) says: “Arch Health CIC was founded because we believe that no- one should be denied the highest standards of healthcare, whatever their circumstances.”

Those who make up the Arch Board have first-hand experience as clinicians and managers in providing services for homeless people and those from other marginalised groups such as gypsies and travellers, vulnerable asylum seekers and sex workers. They are determined to provide everyone from these groups a standard of care at least as good as that expected by the general population, and to make the care accessible, restorative, and compassionate.

Arch supports individual patients to access their care daily but also works with partners to make constant improvements to the excellent support systems which are available in the city.